According to WHO, health includes not only physical well-being, but it also takes into account emotional wellness.
If a person is feeling anxious, and unease depending on a situation, it is normal. But, if these feelings stay persistently and you find them difficult to control, it is a matter of worry.
You have to relax yourself to save you from the adverse effects.
In this era, each day comes with new tensions. It is not a surprising fact that massage as a means of relaxation is increasingly becoming famous in the United Arab Emirates.
In this scenario, massage in Dubai serves as a wonder for you. It not only reduces the stress hormones in your body but also triggers the release of chemicals that boost your emotional health and well-being.
The human body is naturally designed to show appropriate responses in case of emergency. This response which is termed as flight or fight is facilitated by increased levels of stress hormones namely cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine.
In emergency situations, the level of this hormone is abnormally raised. This suppresses the immune response of the body and drives blood to the muscles to ready for producing an appropriate physiological response.
But if these hormones are sustained for a longer duration, they can lead to digestive disorders, low immunity, reduced sleep and headaches.
Here, the massage comes in to rescue you.
Discussed below are a few ways in which massage relieves your stress and promotes your emotional well-being.
A study was reported by Massage magazine in which a massage therapy for about 25 minutes was given to the participants. This induced various favourable physiological reactions in the study participants.
The study found out that the procedure has lowered blood cholesterol levels in the participants. It improved not only immunological responses but also promoted general health and well-being.
Balancing serum cholesterol levels is valuable for boosting your mood especially for people suffering from depression.
Serotonin is a remarkable marker for regulating mood. And, chronic stress is associated with lower or abnormal serotonin levels in the blood.
Massage in Dubai is your valuable ally here as it triggers your body’s ability to produce this hormone.
Everyday Health report says:
“Those who receive regular massage can expect to see an increase in their serotonin levels and a subsequent drop in depression and pain.”
In the words of Tiffany Field (Director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami)
“Massage therapy can improve a person’s emotional health by reducing stress and stress hormones; by increasing serotonin and thereby reducing depression and pain.”
Reliable research reinforced this stance by pointing out that study participants who were given 30 minutes service over two weeks duration had shown a reduction in stress, anger and sadness.
Simply put, massage in Dubai has shown to lower stress hormone levels. Also, it triggers the release of several chemicals that act as a relaxant. These things facilitate positive mood changes in the receiver of the therapy
But the key to receiving the remarkable benefits of this therapy is to ensure that you are employing professional services that cater to your needs.